How do you think Bruce Willis will look in latex vest?
Few days passed and I have finished the Bruce Willis Vest and it looks like that on a hanger.

The design is very similar to this one, worn by female model, but it has larger cut outs under armpits and around the neck.

He looks fabulous in his new plain latex vest top, so would Bruce Willis, years ago.
I am tempted to make a vote who looks better, but I think Bruce Willis wouldn’t stand a chance with my customer. What do you think? Share your view below.
Latex may be controversial, but it is brilliant material for clothes.
The precursor of latex clothes was Kardashian. It is very popular all over the world now.
Stars, actors, singers and celebrities wear latex clothing. People who are keenly interested in fashion have gone crazy about it.
What is so magical about this material that it has become the leading material for everyday clothes?
Well, it perfectly emphasizes the shapes, and its shimmering texture makes you feel special in it.
I’d wear something like that.
Hi Michael,
yes, I think you would look good in it.
I am a woman, but I like to wear vests like that as well, maybe not white, but in black colour.
He wears a orange rubber vest in the film 5th element